Hello! Welcome! This site is in a neverending state of WIP, so excuse the mess.
Aurora.... who? A question both simpler and more complicated than it seems, but ultimately that's me! And also not, Aurora is my OC who is both my persona and not at all. She's her own character with extended lore, but she's also become a symbol for myself. You will see her both as her own character, and as a metaphor for me.
Why the K-hole? Well, in my childhood and in my early adult years, I have tried over a dozen medications for my mental health, mostly SSRIs, SNRIs, and a few meds I should not have been on lol. About a year ago, I was discussing the promising research into positive effects of ketamine on depression , when my partner flatly asked why I don't see if my doctor thought it right for me? I started treatments after my college graduation, and in combination with specialized PTSD therapy (CPT>>>>CBT, don't @ me), my life has drastically changed. Anyway this has been a PSA for medical ketamine.
I still struggle with whatever health issues are plaguing me, but overall, things are much better than they ever have been. This site will be used to document my terrible attempt at a life now that I have one to call my own.
made in VSC, best viewed (probably) on firefox, on a 1920 x 1080 monitor. almost definitely not mobile friendly. please see credits for all the various things i stole from people. code is mostly my own (i.e. bad) outside of the lovely glowing pink wrappers, which i lifted from shiny.exe.
this site is fueled by old man yaoi, ketamine, and lots of weed. like a lot of weed.
a 23y/o autism creature (she/they) with the anxiety of a prey animal being hunted for sport. i graduated last spring with a degree in biological sciences (concentration biomedical), and a minor in Japanese language/culture. my research thus far has been in invertebrate vision. originally i was planning on going back to school after a while, but given that i can likely no longer get funding via the FAFSA (and my health) i will have to put that off for a while.
for the time being, i am a NEET with far too many doctor appointments. i've got some chronic health issues, some known some mysterious, but more or less i've got an auto immune disease and something wrong with my heart. made college a bitch and is making finding a job even harder.
i play marimba, or at least used to, and was very good. i hope to pick it up someday again, along with getting back into piano. that's probably the one thing im good at (marimba), everything else is a wash. enjoy this silly site regardless
2/26/25:Redid the whole damn site, this time using flexbox much more. The CRT now has a button to disable it as well. I'll be adding all the side pages and filling them out soon, and then it's back to character sheets (after i finish some drafts for my other project lol). probably scrapping most the side pages i was working on except for diary, but we'll see.
2/5/25:Added a framework for a gaming page, using it to teach myself some iframes, now that i understand them a little more i might swap the main pages over. taking a break from the character pages (sobbing) for now, working on the gaming, reading, and celluloid pages. couple other things!
1/25/25:Completely redid my diary page, breaking away from the
of the rest of the site. I plan on adding more, but I really
itinerae's new(ish) vaporeon theme. Plus, little fun fact about
me, a
lot of my dreams (at least when i used to dream frequently) were
tank related (also, often in mario 64 environments!). So the
theme is fitting :D. Also, some slight additions around the main
and credits. Still working on character pages
1/10/25: General work on main pages, but sadly little this
week for OC
pages :
12/28/24:Added webrings, fanlistings, and other misc changes/updates. Will be working on character pages soon! Trying to figure out if the scrollbar on here works, too^^. Also, I plan on redoing some of the side pages hopefully to be more simple, but I'm not really sure. Here is an image to see if the scroll bar works yet^^
12/13/24:Updated interests page, added cosplay page and a cosplay placeholder pic for Anya, and some other minor things.
12/5/24:Added a placeholder site button, and a few more site buttons for others. Working on art for OC pages, and hopefully soon sidebar improvements
11/26/24:Tons of things happening here!