2/26/25:Redid the whole damn site, this time using flexbox much more. The CRT now has a button to disable it as well. I'll be adding all the side pages and filling them out soon, and then it's back to character sheets (after i finish some drafts for my other project lol). probably scrapping most the side pages i was working on except for diary, but we'll see.
2/5/25:Added a framework for a gaming page, using it to teach myself some iframes, now that i understand them a little more i might swap the main pages over. taking a break from the character pages (sobbing) for now, working on the gaming, reading, and celluloid pages. couple other things!
1/25/25:Completely redid my diary page, breaking away from the
of the rest of the site. I plan on adding more, but I really
itinerae's new(ish) vaporeon theme. Plus, little fun fact about
me, a
lot of my dreams (at least when i used to dream frequently) were
tank related (also, often in mario 64 environments!). So the
theme is fitting :D. Also, some slight additions around the main
and credits. Still working on character pages
1/10/25: General work on main pages, but sadly little this
week for OC
pages :
12/28/24:Added webrings, fanlistings, and other misc changes/updates. Will be working on character pages soon! Trying to figure out if the scrollbar on here works, too^^. Also, I plan on redoing some of the side pages hopefully to be more simple, but I'm not really sure. Here is an image to see if the scroll bar works yet^^
12/13/24:Updated interests page, added cosplay page and a cosplay placeholder pic for Anya, and some other minor things.
12/5/24:Added a placeholder site button, and a few more site buttons for others. Working on art for OC pages, and hopefully soon sidebar improvements
11/26/24:Tons of things happening here!